Both Padawans instantly became close friends over their shared desire for knowledge. It was as a Padawan to Master Zhar Lestin that Alek first met Revan.
When he was discovered to be Force-sensitive, he began training as a Jedi at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. The Outer Rim planet had been one of many attacked beyond the borders of the Republic, prior to the Mandalorian Wars. Darth Malak ( Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)Īlek “Squint” Squinquargesimus came to the Galactic Republic as a refugee from his homeworld of Quelii. Also, this article is only considering Sith Lords, so Kylo Ren and Snoke will not appear here. Today for May the Fourth, Geek Girl Authority takes a look at Star Wars‘ most powerful Sith Lords. That is, until the light side of the Force eventually triumphs through love, friendship, and teamwork. They’re so imposing and powerful, it seems impossible for the good guys to defeat them. Sith value strength and power, and they will go to any lengths to obtain them.
For both the galaxy and the viewing audience at home, the Sith Lords are a source of terror and fascination. Just so, for every Jedi tasked with protecting the galaxy, there is a Sith determined to conquer it. For every selfless act of kindness, there’s a selfish act of cruelty to counteract it. Star Warsteaches us that there is balance in all things.